Partner references:

Partner organization: Kutaisi International University

Country of implementation: Georgia


Good practice references:

Title of the good practice:  

Implementing organization: group of volunteers

Responsible: Funding from USAID, People In Need, EU


Period of implementation: From 22nd of April - ongoing


Good practice description:

„Dopomoga Ukraini“ is an information platform created by a group of volunteers aimed at collecting and displaying all information necessary for Ukrainian citizens in Georgia in a single space. They help Ukrainians in getting comprehensive information about the offers, available public services, and ongoing charity initiatives. The platform includes a website, a Facebook page, a public Facebook group, an Instagram page, and a Telegram channel. We constantly check and update every piece of information published on the platform. The information on the website has been collected with financial support from U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and EU.


Professional area of reference

"Dopomoga Ukraine” is the information platform for Ukrainian refugees in Georgia. It consolidates diverse information and services available to Ukrainians living in Georgia, spanning from employment and social services to education and legal consultancy. The platform quickly gained popularity following its establishment. Within just a year, it reached 50,000 users, and more than 850 initiatives were published on the platform. The platform showcases various offerings such as training sessions, aid provisions, house rental opportunities, and educational prospects, including those initiated by the Government of Georgia. Despite the involvement of the Government of Georgia, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), international bodies, and Georgian citizens in supporting Ukrainian refugees, critical actions are still necessary to address the pressing needs of the most vulnerable among them.


Main factors of success is a platform created by 4 volunteers, which gained the success and recognition very soon. It reached impressive number of supporters and users in a very short period of time and it managed to be sustainable and find support among donor organizations. As a trusted platform for Ukrainian refugees, its already has a reputation and can contribute to the dissemination of the services or the information created in the frame of the different projects.


Input on project

This platform can be used as a tool for dissemination of the information about the project activities, services and possibilities, which will be created.